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Videohive Story Maker Explainer Toolkit V4

Program Name Version Resolution Add-Ons File Size
After Effects CC + 1920X1080 (HD) NO Plugins 37 Mb

Videohive Story Maker Explainer Toolkit V4 25220783 Free Download After Effects Template

Creating an artistic animation never has been so easy. You can make a lot of stories and perfect animation with our new style explainer tool kit. A package contains characters, backgrounds, objects, and typographies you need for your startup business video promo.

Fast animation creating:

  1. Arrange some animation presets
  2. Place some pre-animated backgrounds
  3. Render your stylish animation

Advanced animation creating:

  1. Adjust character settings and make your own character easily
  2. Animate the professional rigged character
  3. Adjust animated backgrounds
  4. Put some placeholders, boards, transitions, and typographies

No plugin required (The template created using Duik, but you dont need Duik)

What is new in version 4?

  • 13 new characters (Doctor, Nurse, Yong girl, Mother, Repairman, Policeman, Policewoman, Pilot, Chef, Businessman, Businesswoman, Santa Claus, and Mrs. Claus.
  • Fully vector without any raster footages
  • 8k, 4k, and HD
  • 2.5 D characters (Rotatable 2D)
  • Professional character rig for custom animate with squash and stretch, overlapping, automatic nodding, animate hair, and tie, etc.
  • Face control (Happy, angry, surprised, sad)
  • Completely customizable characters (Cloths, hairstyles, colors, etc.)
  • 8X Faster (even in 8k size), and 10X smaller files
  • 10 new backgrounds (contained healthcare)
  • 50 New animated objects
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