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Videohive CRT TV Effect

Program Name Version Resolution Add-Ons File Size
DaVinci Resolve 17 Resizable NO 19 MB

Download Videohive CRT TV Effect 45512365 and enjoy the best experience where you will find what you needed and what you searched for. Our site also provides templates for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, Luts, Royalty free sound effects and much more.

Are you looking to give your footage a vintage, retro look? With this DaVinci Resolve Macro, you can transform your video into an old-school CRT TV screen with realistic RGB pixels. Whether youre trying to simulate the look of a classic television or an outdated PC monitor, this tool has got you covered.

One of the best features of this Macros is its flexibility. You can customize the pixel size, adjust the waviness, add flickeringvignettingbad signal effects, and even simulate film damage. With just a few clicks, you can take your footage from modern and polished to gritty and vintage.

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