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Videohive Animal Character Animation Explainer Toolkit

Program Name Version Resolution Add-Ons File Size
After Effects CC + 4K NO Plugins 650 Mb

Videohive Animal Character Animation Explainer Toolkit 33034688 Free Download After Effects Template

The Animal Animation Explainer Toolkit is a revolutionary product. Design animal characters, pick animations & create explainer videos right inside After Effects.

Thousands of features, refined over more than a year of research. Animal Character design & animation will never be the same.

Character Studio

Create unique animal characters using the most advanced character creation package on the market. Easily build animal characters from a single intuative panel using simple controls like sliders & checkboxes.

Over 30 pre-made animal characters included. Start from any of the included characters and customize to build your own!

Some of the features

  • Modify character length and all body proportions.
  • Change torso shape, modify thickness & roundness.
  • Having the ability to add tails, that you can re-position, re-size and rotate.
  • Easily add a belly texture & re-position it over the character.
  • Make every character unique by choosing different animal textures. The textures can be re-positioned, rotated and scaled, and are available for the legs, arms, torso and even face!
  • Modify hand size and blend between 50 hand poses using the included hand rig.
  • Choose any leg shape. Modify size, thickness, height & position.
  • Change feet size & color. Pick from different feet styles or even add your own!

A unique system, allowing you to control the head & chin separately. Control head width, height, roundness & more. You can achieve any head shape imaginable!

Additional head features

  • Pick from different Hair styles.
  • Individual size & color control for pupils & outer eyes.
  • Choose from 21 noses. Modify size, color & position.
  • Different whiskers styles to choose from, with full size and color control.
  • Choose from 8 different face textures or add your own!
  • Easily re-shape the eyes by rotating and re-positioning the upper and lower eye lids. The right and left can even be modified individually!
  • 12 Ear styles included. You can even rotate the ears and animate them with the character.
  • Full mouth control. Change size, colors & position of lips, tongue, teeth & inner mouth.
  • Comes with an intuitive mouth animation rig where you can select different pre-made mouth animations!
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