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Aescripts Staircase Win/Mac

Program Name Version File Size
After Effects CC 2014 + 1.4 MB


Download Aescripts Staircase v1.05 Win/Mac and enjoy the best experience where you will find what you needed and what you searched for. Our site also provides templates for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, Luts, Royalty free sound effects and much more.

Staircase is a tool for After Effects that allows you to quickly stagger, sequence and randomise blocks of layers.

Divide your layers into separate blocks via block size or via label colour. Hovering over the UI will highlight what labels are selected.

Offset layers individually, or control inside and outside the blocks.

Staircase comes with some great additional features like staggering based on position, adding easing to each block and fading between blocks.


Staircase works with After Effects CC 2014.2 and up.

Staircase has support for multiple languages in AE. But please test script in Trial mode before purchasing.

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