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Aescripts Masks to Cropped Layers II v2.1 Win/Mac

Program Name Version File Size
After Effects CS6 + 4.4 MB


Download Aescripts Masks to Cropped Layers II v2.1 Win/Mac and enjoy the best experience where you will find what you needed and what you searched for. Our site also provides templates for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, Luts, Royalty free sound effects and much more.

Masks to Cropped Layers II is a utility that helps to animate vector graphics, as well as improving the performance of vfx compositing. It works on layers that have multiple masks, for example when artwork is pasted from Illustrator, or when areas are tracked in Mocha. Each mask is copied to a new solid (for animation) or used to create a pre-comp. Each new layer is cropped to the size of the mask, providing flexibility for animation while dramatically improving performance.

  • Masks to Cropped Layers II now allows you to calculate mask sizes using either basic rectangles (fast) or bezier paths (slower but pixel-accurate).
  • You can calculate the mask size from a single frame, the composition work area, or the layer’s duration.
  • If no masks are selected, then all masks on the layer are used. If you manually select some masks, then only they are used to create new layers.
  • The script panel includes two buttons to quickly select all open, or all closed masks.
  • New layers can have their size padded out, and position values can be rounded to integers for sharper results.

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